Security & Trust


2024 (4)

  • Marco Pernpruner, Roberto Carbone, Giada Sciarretta, Silvio Ranise
    An Automated Multi-Layered Methodology to Assist the Secure and Risk-Aware Design of Multi-Factor Authentication Protocols
    In: IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), Volume 21, Issue 4, July/August 2024, Pages 1935-1950 (DOI, complementary material, news)
  • Riccardo Germenia, Salvatore Manfredi, Matteo Rizzi, Giada Sciarretta, Alessandro Tomasi, Silvio Ranise
    Automating Compliance for Improving TLS Security Postures: An Assessment of Public Administration Endpoints
    In: 21th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024) (DOI, complementary material, news)
  • Stefano Berlato, Davide Pizzolotto, Mariano Ceccato
    Mitigating Debugger-based Attacks to Java Applications with Self-Debugging
    In: ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) (DOI)
  • Andrea Flamini, Giada Sciarretta, Mario Scuro, Amir Sharif, Alessandro Tomasi, Silvio Ranise
    On Cryptographic Mechanisms for the Selective Disclosure of Verifiable Credentials
    In: Journal of Information Security and Applications (JISA) (DOI, news)

2023 (8)

  • Andrea Flamini, Silvio Ranise, Giada Sciarretta, Mario Scuro, Amir Sharif, Alessandro Tomasi
    A First Appraisal of Cryptographic Mechanisms for the Selective Disclosure of Verifiable Credentials
    In: 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2023) (DOI, news)
  • Gianluca Sassetti, Amir Sharif, Giada Sciarretta, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise
    Assurance, Consent and Access Control for Privacy-Aware OIDC Deployments
    In: Proceedings of the 37th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec 2023) (DOI, news)
  • Matteo Bitussi, Riccardo Longo, Francesco Antonio Marino, Umberto Morelli, Amir Sharif, Chiara Spadafora, Alessandro Tomasi
    Coercion-resistant i-voting with short PIN and OAuth 2.0
    In: International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting (E-Vote-ID 2023)
  • Zahra Ebadi Ansaroudi, Roberto Carbone, Giada Sciarretta, Silvio Ranise
    Control is Nothing Without Trust a First Look into Digital Identity Wallet Trends
    In: Proceedings of the 37th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec 2023) (DOI)
  • Amir Sharif, Francesco Antonio Marino, Giada Sciarretta, Giuseppe De Marco, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise
    Cross-Domain Sharing of User Claims: A Design Proposal for OpenID Connect Attribute Authorities
    In: 18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2023) (DOI, news)
  • Majid Mollaeefar, Silvio Ranise
    Identifying and Quantifying Trade-offs in Multi-Stakeholder Risk Evaluation with Applications to the Data Protection Impact Assessment of the GDPR
    In: Computers & Security Journal (COSE) (DOI, news)
  • Luca Verderame, Luca Caviglione, Roberto Carbone, Alessio Merlo
    SecCo: Automated Services to Secure Containers in the DevOps Paradigm
    In: 2023 International Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (RACS 2023) (DOI)
  • Cecilia Pasquini, Marco Pernpruner, Giada Sciarretta, Silvio Ranise
    Towards a Fine-Grained Threat Model for Video-Based Remote Identity Proofing
    In: ECML/PKDD 2023 Post-Workshops and Tutorials Proceedings (news)

2022 (7)

  • Matteo Rizzi, Salvatore Manfredi, Giada Sciarretta, Silvio Ranise
    A Modular and Extensible Framework for Securing TLS
    In: Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2022) (DOI, news)
  • Matteo Rizzi, Salvatore Manfredi, Giada Sciarretta, Silvio Ranise
    Demo: TLSAssistant v2 - A Modular and Extensible Framework for Securing TLS
    In: Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2022) (DOI, news)
  • Tahir Ahmad, Umberto Morelli, Silvio Ranise
    Distributed Enforcement of Access Control policies in Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) for Situation Awareness
    In: 17th International Workshop on Frontiers in Availability, Reliability and Security (FARES2022) (DOI, news)
  • Salvatore Manfredi, Mariano Ceccato, Giada Sciarretta, Silvio Ranise
    Empirical Validation on the Usability of Security Reports for Patching TLS Misconfigurations: User- and Case-Studies on Actionable Mitigations
    In: Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications (JoWUA) (DOI)
  • Stefano Berlato, Roberto Carbone, Umberto Morelli, Silvio Ranise
    End-to-End Protection of IoT Communications Through Cryptographic Enforcement of Access Control Policies
    In: Proceedings of the 36th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec 2022) (DOI, complementary material)
  • Amir Sharif, Matteo Ranzi, Roberto Carbone, Giada Sciarretta, Silvio Ranise
    SoK: A Survey on Technological Trends for (pre)Notified eIDAS Electronic Identity Schemes
    In: 17th International Workshop on Frontiers in Availability, Reliability and Security (FARES2022) (DOI, complementary material, news)
  • Amir Sharif, Matteo Ranzi, Roberto Carbone, Giada Sciarretta, Francesco Antonio Marino, Silvio Ranise
    The eIDAS Regulation: A Survey of Technological Trends for European Electronic Identity Schemes
    In: MDPI Journal of Applied Science (APPLSCI) (DOI, complementary material, news)

2021 (14)

  • Marco Pernpruner, Giada Sciarretta, Silvio Ranise
    A Framework for Security and Risk Analysis of Enrollment Procedures: Application to Fully-Remote Solutions Based on eDocuments
    In: 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2021) (DOI, complementary material)
  • Biniam Fisseha Demissie, Silvio Ranise
    Assessing the Effectiveness of the Shared Responsibility Model for Cloud Databases: the Case of Google's Firebase
    In: IEEE International Conference on Smart Data Services (SMDS 2021) (news)
  • Salimeh Dashti, Amir Sharif, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise
    Automated Risk Assessment and What-if Analysis of OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 Deployments
    In: Proceedings of the 35th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec 2021) (news)
  • Amir Sharif, Roberto Carbone, Giada Sciarretta, Silvio Ranise
    Best Current Practices for OAuth/OIDC Native Apps: A Study of their Adoption in Popular Providers and Top-Ranked Android Clients
    In: Journal of Information Security and Applications (JISA) (DOI, news)
  • Andreas Heider-Aviet, Danny Roswin Ollik, Stefano Berlato, Silvio Ranise, Roberto Carbone, Van Thanh Le, Nabil El Ioini, Claus Pahl, Hamid R. Berzegar
    Blockchain Based RAN Data Sharing
    In: IEEE International Conference on Smart Data Services (SMDS 2021) (DOI)
  • Stefano Berlato, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise
    Cryptographic Enforcement of Access Control Policies in the Cloud: Implementation and Experimental Assessment
    In: 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2021) (complementary material, news)
  • Salvatore Manfredi, Mariano Ceccato, Giada Sciarretta, Silvio Ranise
    Do Security Reports Meet Usability? - Lessons Learned from Using Actionable Mitigations for Patching TLS Misconfigurations
    In: The 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2021) (ETACS 2021) (DOI, complementary material, news)
  • Umberto Morelli, Ivan Vaccari, Silvio Ranise, Enrico Cambiaso
    DoS Attacks in Available MQTT Implementations: Investigating the Impact on Brokers and Devices, and supported Anti-DoS Protections.
    In: The 5th International Workshop on Security and Forensics of IoT (IoT-SECFOR 2021) (complementary material, news)
  • Tahir Ahmad, Umberto Morelli, Silvio Ranise, Nicola Zannone
    Extending access control in AWS IoT through event-driven functions: an experimental evaluation using a smart lock system
    In: International Journal of Information Security (DOI)
  • Andrea Bisegna, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise
    Integrating a Pentesting Tool for IdM Protocols in a Continuous Delivery Pipeline
    In: 4th International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Authorization and Authentication (ETAA2021) (DOI)
  • Marco Centenaro, Stefano Berlato, Roberto Carbone, Gianfranco Burzio, Giuseppe Faranda Cordella, Roberto Riggio, Silvio Ranise
    Safety-Related Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility Services: Interplay Between Functional and Security Requirements
    In: IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, Volume 16, Issue 4, December 2021, Pages 78-88 (DOI)
  • Matteo Leonelli, Umberto Morelli, Silvio Ranise, Giada Sciarretta
    Secure Pull Printing with QR Codes and National eID Cards: A Software-oriented Design and an Open-source Implementation
    In: Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2021) (DOI, complementary material, news)
  • Biniam Fisseha Demissie, Mariano Ceccato, Lwin Khin Shar
    Security Analysis of Permission Re-delegation Vulnerabilities in Android Apps
    In: 43rd Internation Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2021) (news)
  • Stefano Berlato, Marco Centenaro, Silvio Ranise
    Smart Card-Based Identity Management Protocols for V2V and V2I Communications in CCAM: a Systematic Literature Review
    In: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS) (DOI, news)

2020 (15)

  • Stefano Berlato, Mariano Ceccato
    A Large-Scale Study on the Adoption of Anti-Debugging and Anti-Tampering Protections in Android Apps
    In: Journal of Information Security and Applications (JISA) (DOI, news)
  • Mauro Conti, Pallavi Kaliyar, Md Masoom Rabbani, Silvio Ranise
    Attestation-enabled secure and scalable routing protocol for IoT networks
    In: Ad Hoc Networks (DOI)
  • Amir Sharif, Roberto Carbone, Giada Sciarretta, Silvio Ranise
    Automated and Secure Integration of the OpenID Connect iGov Profile in Mobile Native Applications
    In: 3rd International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Authorization and Authentication (ETAA2020) (DOI, complementary material)
  • Andrea Bisegna, Roberto Carbone, Mariano Ceccato, Salvatore Manfredi, Silvio Ranise, Giada Sciarretta, Alessandro Tomasi, Emanuele Viglianisi
    Automated Assistance to the Security Assessment of API for Financial Services in book Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence for Critical Infrastructures Security: A Guide to Integrated Cyber-Physical Protection of Modern Critical Infrastructures
    In: Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence for Critical Infrastructures Security: A Guide to Integrated Cyber-Physical Protection of Modern Critical Infrastructures (DOI)
  • Tahir Ahmad, Umberto Morelli, Silvio Ranise
    Deploying Access Control Enforcement for IoT in the Cloud-Edge Continuum with the help of the CAP Theorem
    In: 25th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models And Technologies (SACMAT 2020) (news)
  • Stefano Berlato, Roberto Carbone, Adam J. Lee, Silvio Ranise
    Exploring Architectures for Cryptographic Access Control Enforcement in the Cloud for Fun and Optimization
    In: 15th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2020) (DOI, complementary material, news)
  • Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise, Giada Sciarretta, Luca Viganò
    Formal Analysis of Mobile Multi-Factor Authentication with Single Sign-On Login
    In: ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS) (DOI, complementary material, news)
  • Stefano Berlato, Roberto Carbone, Adam J. Lee, Silvio Ranise
    Formal Modelling and Automated Trade-Off Analysis of Enforcement Architectures for Cryptographic Access Control in the Cloud
    In: ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS) (complementary material)
  • Andrea Bisegna, Roberto Carbone, Giulio Pellizzari, Silvio Ranise
    Micro-Id-Gym: a Flexible Tool for Pentesting Identity Management Protocols in the Wild and in the Laboratory
    In: 3rd International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Authorization and Authentication (ETAA2020) (DOI)
  • Majid Mollaeefar, Alberto Siena, Silvio Ranise
    Multi-Stakeholder Cybersecurity Risk Assessment for Data Protection
    In: 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2020) (DOI)
  • Edlira Dushku, Md Masoom Rabbani, Mauro Conti, Luigi V. Mancini, Silvio Ranise
    SARA: Secure Asynchronous Remote Attestation for IoT Systems
    In: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS) (DOI)
  • Marco Centenaro, Stefano Berlato, Roberto Carbone, Gianfranco Burzio, Giuseppe Faranda Cordella, Silvio Ranise, Roberto Riggio
    Security Considerations on 5G-Enabled Back-Situation Awareness for CCAM
    In: 3rd IEEE 5G World Forum (5GWF20) (news)
  • Marco Pernpruner, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise, Giada Sciarretta
    The Good, the Bad and the (Not So) Ugly of Out-Of-Band Authentication with eID Cards and Push Notifications: Design, Formal and Risk Analysis
    In: Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2020) (DOI, complementary material, news)
  • Salvatore Manfredi, Silvio Ranise, Giada Sciarretta, Alessandro Tomasi
    TLSAssistant goes FINSEC: A Security Platform Integration Extending Threat Intelligence Language
    In: 1st International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Security for Critical Infrastructures Protection (CPS4CIP 2020)
  • Sergio Manuel Nóbrega Gonçalves, Alessandro Tomasi, Andrea Bisegna, Giulio Pellizzari, Silvio Ranise
    Verifiable Contracting: A Use Case for Onboarding and Contract Offering in Financial Services with eIDAS and Verifiable Credentials
    In: 25th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (DETIPS2020) (DOI)

2019 (11)

  • Salimeh Dashti, Silvio Ranise
    A Tool-assisted Methodology for the Data Protection Impact Assessment
    In: 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2019) (DOI, news)
  • Amir Sharif, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise, Giada Sciarretta
    A Wizard-Based Approach for Secure Code Generation of Single Sign-On and Access Delegation Solutions for Mobile Native Apps
    In: 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2019) (DOI, complementary material, news)
  • Umberto Morelli, Silvio Ranise, Lorenzo Nicolodi
    An Open and Flexible CyberSecurity Training Laboratory in IT/OT Infrastructures
    In: 1st Model-driven Simulation and Training Environments for Cybersecurity Workshop (MSTEC 2019) (DOI, news)
  • Umberto Morelli, Silvio Ranise, Damiano Sartori, Giada Sciarretta, Alessandro Tomasi
    Audit-Based Access Control with a Distributed Ledger: Applications to Healthcare Organizations
    In: 15th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM 2019) (DOI, news)
  • Sergii Kushch, Silvio Ranise, Giada Sciarretta
    Blockchain Tree for eHealth
    In: 2019 IEEE Global Conference on Internet of Things (GCIoT 2019) (DOI)
  • Silvio Ranise, Giada Sciarretta, Alessandro Tomasi
    Enroll, and authentication will follow: eID-based enrollment for a customized, secure, and frictionless authentication experience
    In: 12th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security (FPS 2019) (DOI, news)
  • Giovanni Maria Abbiati, Silvio Ranise, Antonio Schizzerotto, Alberto Siena
    Learning from Others' Mistakes: An Analysis of Cyber-security Incidents
    In: 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2019) (DOI)
  • Salvatore Manfredi, Silvio Ranise, Giada Sciarretta
    Lost in TLS? No More! Assisted Deployment of Secure TLS Configurations
    In: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec 2019), vol. 11559, pp. 201-220 (DOI, news)
  • Andrea Bisegna, Roberto Carbone, Ivan Martini, Valentina Odorizzi, Giulio Pellizzari, Silvio Ranise
    Micro-Id-Gym: Identity Management Workouts with Container-Based Microservices
    In: International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime (IJISP), Volume 8, Issue 1 (DOI)
  • Andrea Palmieri, Paolo Prem, Silvio Ranise, Umberto Morelli, Tahir Ahmad
    MQTTSA: A Tool for Automatically Assisting the Secure Deployments of MQTT brokers
    In: IEEE SERVICES Workshop on Cyber Security & Resilience in the Internet of Things (IEEE SERVICES CSRIoT 2019) (DOI, news)
  • Federico Sinigaglia, Roberto Carbone, Gabriele Costa, Silvio Ranise
    MuFASA: A Tool for High-level Specification and Analysis of Multi-factor Authentication Protocols
    In: Emerging Technologies for Authorization and Authentication (ETAA 2019) (DOI, complementary material, news)

2018 (8)

  • Tahir Ahmad, Umberto Morelli, Silvio Ranise, Nicola Zannone
    A Lazy Approach to Access Control as a Service (ACaaS) for IoT: An AWS Case Study
    In: 23rd ACM Symposium on Access Control Models And Technologies (SACMAT 2018) (DOI, news)
  • Silvio Ranise, Tuan Anh Truong, Luca Viganò
    Automated and efficient analysis of administrative temporal RBAC policies with role hierarchies
    In: Journal of Computer Security (JCS) (DOI)
  • Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise, Giada Sciarretta
    Design and Security Assessment of Usable Multi-factor Authentication and Single Sign-On Solutions for Mobile Applications
    In: Privacy and Identity Management. Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in the Age of Big Data (DOI)
  • Giada Sciarretta, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise, Luca Viganò
    Design, Formal Specification and Analysis of Multi-Factor Authentication Solutions with a Single Sign-On Experience
    In: Principles of Security and Trust (POST 2018) (DOI, news)
  • Md Masoom Rabbani, Silvio Ranise
    PADS: Practical Attestation for Highly Dynamic Swarm Topologies
    In: 7th International Workshop on Secure Internet of Things (SIoT 2018) (DOI)
  • Clara Bertolissi, Daniel Ricardo dos Santos, Silvio Ranise
    Solving Multi-Objective Workflow Satisfiability Problems with Optimization Modulo Theories Techniques
    In: 23rd ACM Symposium on Access Control Models And Technologies (SACMAT 2018) (DOI)
  • Mauro Conti, Pallavi Kaliyar, Md Masoom Rabbani, Silvio Ranise
    SPLIT: A Secure and Scalable RPL routing protocol for Internet of Things
    In: 7th International Workshop on Secure Internet of Things (SIoT 2018) (DOI)
  • Tahir Ahmad, Silvio Ranise
    Validating Requirements of Access Control for Cloud-Edge IoT Solutions
    In: 11th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security (FPS 2018) (DOI, news)

2017 (12)

  • Luca Compagna, Daniel Ricardo dos Santos, Serena Elisa Ponta, Silvio Ranise
    Aegis: Automatic Enforcement of Security Policies in Workflow-driven Web Applications
    In: Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2017) (DOI)
  • Giada Sciarretta, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise, Alessandro Armando
    Anatomy of the Facebook solution for mobile single sign-on: Security assessment and improvements
    In: Computers & Security Journal (COSE), Volume 71, November 2017, Pages 71-86 (DOI)
  • Umberto Morelli, Silvio Ranise
    Assisted Authoring, Analysis and Enforcement of Access Control Policies in the Cloud
    In: 32nd International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection (IFIPSEC 2017) (DOI, news)
  • Silvio Ranise, Hari Siswantoro
    Automated Legal Compliance Checking by Security Policy Analysis
    In: International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security (SAFECOMP 2017) (DOI)
  • Daniel Ricardo dos Santos, Silvio Ranise, Luca Compagna, Serena Elisa Ponta
    Automatically finding execution scenarios to deploy security-sensitive workflows
    In: Journal of Computer Security (JCS), Volume 25, no. 3, Pages 255-282 (DOI)
  • Fatih Turkmen, Jerry Den Hartog, Silvio Ranise, Nicola Zannone
    Formal analysis of XACML policies using SMT
    In: Computers & Security Journal (COSE), Volume 66, May 2017, Pages 185-203 (DOI)
  • Avinash Sudhodanan, Roberto Carbone, Luca Compagna, Nicolas Dolgin, Alessandro Armando, Umberto Morelli
    Large-scale Analysis & Detection of Authentication Cross-Site Request Forgeries
    In: 2nd IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EUROS&P 2017) (DOI, news)
  • Daniel Ricardo dos Santos, Silvio Ranise
    On Run-Time Enforcement of Authorization Constraints in Security-Sensitive Workflows
    In: 15th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2017) (DOI)
  • Tuan Anh Truong, Silvio Ranise, Thanh-Tung Nguyen
    Scalable Automated Analysis of Access Control and Privacy Policies
    In: Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems (TLDKS), Volume XXXVI (DOI)
  • Paolo Guarda, Silvio Ranise, Hari Siswantoro
    Security Analysis and Legal Compliance Checking for the Design of Privacy-friendly Information Systems
    In: 22nd ACM Symposium on Access Control Models And Technologies (SACMAT 2017) (DOI)
  • Federico Sinigaglia, Gabriele Costa, Roberto Carbone
    Strong Authentication for e-Banking: a Survey on European Regulations and Implementations
    In: 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2017) (DOI, news)
  • Moreno Ambrosin, Mauro Conti, Riccardo Lazzaretti, Md Masoom Rabbani, Silvio Ranise
    Toward secure and efficient attestation for highly dynamic swarms
    In: 10th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec 2017) (DOI)

2016 (9)

  • Giada Sciarretta, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise
    A delegated authorization solution for smart-city mobile applications
    In: 2nd International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry (RTSI 2016) (DOI)
  • Tuan Anh Truong, Silvio Ranise
    ASASPXL: New Clother for Analysing ARBAC Policies
    In: 3rd International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering (FDSE 2016) (DOI)
  • Avinash Sudhodanan, Alessandro Armando, Luca Compagna, Roberto Carbone
    Attack Patterns for Black-Box Security Testing of Multi-Party Web Applications
    In: Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2016) (news)
  • Luca Compagna, Daniel Ricardo dos Santos, Serena Elisa Ponta, Silvio Ranise
    Cerberus: Automated Synthesis of Enforcement Mechanisms for Security-Sensitive Business Processes
    In: 22nd International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2016) (DOI)
  • Daniel Ricardo dos Santos, Serena Elisa Ponta, Silvio Ranise
    Modular Synthesis of Enforcement Mechanisms for the Workflow Satisfiability Problem
    In: 21st ACM Symposium on Access Control Models And Technologies (SACMAT 2016) (DOI)
  • Stanislav Dashevskyi, Achim D. Brucker, Fabio Massacci
    On the Security Cost of Using a Free and Open Source Component in a Proprietary Product
    In: International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems (ESSoS 2016) (DOI, news)
  • Silvio Ranise, Riccardo Traverso, Tuan Anh Truong
    Parameterized model checking for security policy analysis
    In: International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT) (DOI)
  • Giada Sciarretta, Alessandro Armando, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise
    Security of Mobile Single Sign-On: a Rational Reconstruction of Facebook Login Solution
    In: 13th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2016) (DOI, news)
  • Alessandro Armando, Silvio Ranise, Riccardo Traverso, Konrad Wrona
    SMT-based Enforcement and Analysis of NATO Content-based Protection and Release Policies
    In: 1st International Workshop on Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC 2016) (DOI, news)

2015 (9)

  • Riccardo De Masellis, Chiara Ghidini, Silvio Ranise
    A Declarative Framework for Specifying and Enforcing Purpose-Aware Policies
    In: 11th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM 2015) (DOI)
  • Alessandro Armando, Silvio Ranise, Riccardo Traverso, Konrad Wrona
    A SMT-based Tool for the Analysis and Enforcement of NATO Content-based Protection and Release Policies
    In: Proceedings of the 20th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2015) (SACMAT 2015) (DOI)
  • Fatih Turkmen, Jerry Den Hartog, Silvio Ranise, Nicola Zannone
    Analysis of XACML Policies with SMT
    In: Principles of Security and Trust (POST 2015) (DOI)
  • Daniel Ricardo dos Santos, Silvio Ranise, Luca Compagna, Serena Elisa Ponta
    Assisting the Deployment of Security-Sensitive Workflows by Finding Execution Scenarios
    In: 29th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec 2015) (DOI, news)
  • Silvio Ranise, Tuan Anh Truong, Luca Viganò
    Automated analysis of RBAC policies with temporal constraints and static role hierarchies
    In: Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2015) (DOI)
  • Clara Bertolissi, Daniel Ricardo dos Santos, Silvio Ranise
    Automated Synthesis of Run-time Monitors to Enforce Authorization Policies in Business Processes
    In: 10th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS2015) (DOI, news)
  • Alessandro Armando, Silvio Ranise, Riccardo Traverso, Konrad Wrona
    Compiling NATO authorization policies for enforcement in the cloud and SDNs
    In: 2015 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS) (DOI)
  • Alessandro Armando, Gianluca Bocci, Gabriele Costa, Rocco Mammoliti, Alessio Merlo, Silvio Ranise, Riccardo Traverso, Andrea Valenza
    Mobile App Security Assessment with the MAVeriC Dynamic Analysis Module
    In: 29th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec 2015) (DOI, news)
  • Worachet Uttha, Clara Bertolissi, Silvio Ranise
    Modeling Authorization Policies for Web Services in Presence of Transitive Dependencies
    In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2015) (DOI)

2014 (10)

  • Daniel Ricardo dos Santos, Carla Merkle Westphall, Carlos Becker Westphall
    A Dynamic Risk-based Access Control Architecture for Cloud Computing
    In: 14th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2014) (DOI, news)
  • Silvio Ranise, Riccardo Traverso
    ALPS: An Action Language for Policy Specification and Automated Safety Analysis
    In: 10th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM 2014) (DOI)
  • Francesco Alberti, Roberto Bruttomesso, Silvio Ghilardi, Silvio Ranise, Natasha Sharygina
    An extension of lazy abstraction with interpolation for programs with arrays
    In: Formal Methods in System Design (DOI)
  • Alessandro Armando, Roberto Carbone, Eyasu Getahun Chekole, Silvio Ranise
    Attribute Based Access Control for APIs in Spring Security
    In: 18th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2014) (DOI, news)
  • Silvio Ranise, Tuan Anh Truong
    Incremental Analysis of Evolving Administrative Role Based Access Control Policies
    In: 28th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec 2014) (DOI)
  • , Silvio Ghilardi, Silvio Ranise
    Quantifier-free interpolation in combinations of equality interpolating theories
    In: ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL), Volume 15, Issue 1, No. 5 (DOI)
  • Alessandro Armando, Roberto Carbone, Luca Compagna
    SATMC: A SAT-Based Model Checker for Security-Critical Systems
    In: 20th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2014) (DOI)
  • Silvio Ranise, Tuan Anh Truong, Alessandro Armando
    Scalable and Precise Automated Analysis of Administrative Temporal Role-Based Access Control
    In: 18th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2014) (DOI, news)
  • Alessandro Armando, Roberto Carbone, Eyasu Getahun Chekole, Claudio Petrazzuolo, Andrea Ranalli, Silvio Ranise
    Selective Release of Smart Metering Data in Multi-domain Smart Grids
    In: Second Open EIT ICT Labs Workshop on Smart Grid Security (SmartGridSec14) (DOI, news)
  • Stanislav Dashevskyi, Daniel Ricardo dos Santos, Fabio Massacci, Antonino Sabetta
    TESTREX: a Testbed for Repeatable Exploits
    In: 7th Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET '14) (news)

2013 (6)

  • Clara Bertolissi, Silvio Ranise
    A methodology to build run-time monitors for security-aware workflows
    In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST 2013) (DOI)
  • Alessandro Carioni, Silvio Ghilardi, Silvio Ranise
    Automated Termination in Model-Checking Modulo Theories
    In: International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (DOI)
  • Alessandro Armando, Matteo Grasso, Sander Oudkerk, Silvio Ranise, Konrad Wrona
    Content-based information protection and release in NATO operations
    In: 18th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2013) (DOI)
  • Alessandro Armando, Sander Oudkerk, Silvio Ranise, Konrad Wrona
    Formal Modelling of Content-Based Protection and Release for Access Control in NATO Operations
    In: International Symposium on Foundations and Practice of Security (FPS 2013) (DOI, news)
  • Silvio Ranise
    Symbolic backward reachability with effectively propositional logic
    In: Formal Methods in System Design (DOI)
  • Clara Bertolissi, Silvio Ranise
    Verification of Composed Array-based Systems with Applications to Security-Aware Workflows
    In: International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS 2013) (DOI, news)

2012 (13)

  • Roberto Bruttomesso, Alessandro Carioni, Silvio Ghilardi, Silvio Ranise
    Automated Analysis of Parametric Timing-Based Mutual Exclusion Algorithms
    In: Proceedings of the 4th NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2012) (NFM 2012) (DOI)
  • Michele Barletta, Silvio Ranise, Luca Viganò
    Automated Analysis of Scenario-based Specifications of Distributed Access Control Policies with Non-Mechanizable Activities
    In: 8th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM 2012) (DOI)
  • Alessandro Armando, Silvio Ranise
    Automated and Efficient Analysis of Role-Based Access Control with Attributes
    In: 26th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec 2012) (DOI)
  • Silvio Ranise, Tuan Anh Truong, Alessandro Armando
    Boosting Model Checking to Analyse Large ARBAC Policies
    In: 8th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM 2012) (DOI)
  • Alessandro Armando, Silvio Ranise, Fatih Turkmen, Bruno Crispo
    Efficient run-time solving of RBAC user authorization queries: pushing the envelope
    In: Proceedings of the Second ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2012) (DOI)
  • Roberto Bruttomesso, Silvio Ghilardi, Silvio Ranise
    From Strong Amalgamability to Modularity of Quantifier-Free Interpolation
    In: Proceedings of the 6th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2012) (IJCAR 2012) (DOI)
  • Francesco Alberti, Roberto Bruttomesso, Silvio Ghilardi, Silvio Ranise, Natasha Sharygina
    Lazy Abstraction with Interpolants for Arrays
    In: (DOI)
  • Silvio Ranise, Alessandro Armando
    On the Automated Analysis of Safety in Usage Control: A New Decidability Result
    In: 6th International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS 2012) (DOI)
  • Silvio Ranise
    On the Verification of Security-Aware E-services
    In: Journal of Symbolic Computation, Volume 47, Issue 9 (DOI)
  • Roberto Bruttomesso, Silvio Ghilardi, Silvio Ranise
    Quantifier-Free Interpolation of a Theory of Arrays
    In: Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS), Volume 8, Issue 2 (DOI)
  • Francesco Alberti, Roberto Bruttomesso, Silvio Ghilardi, Silvio Ranise, Natasha Sharygina
    SAFARI: SMT-Based Abstraction for Arrays with Interpolants
    In: 24th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2012) (DOI)
  • Alessandro Armando, Silvio Ranise
    Scalable automated symbolic analysis of administrative role-based access control policies by SMT solving
    In: Journal of Computer Security (JCS), vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 309-352 (DOI)
  • Francesco Alberti, Silvio Ghilardi, Elena Pagani, Silvio Ranise, Gian Paolo Rossi
    Universal Guards, Relativization of Quantifiers, and Failure Models in Model Checking Modulo Theories
    In: Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation (JSAT) (DOI)

2011 (10)

  • Roberto Bruttomesso, Silvio Ghilardi, Silvio Ranise
    A Combination of Rewriting and Constraint Solving for the Quantifier-Free Interpolation of Arrays with Integer Difference Constraints
    In: 8th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS 2011) (DOI)
  • Michele Barletta, Silvio Ranise, Luca Viganò
    A declarative two-level framework to specify and verify workflow and authorization policies in service-oriented architectures
    In: Service Oriented Computing and Applications (DOI)
  • Francesco Alberti, Alessandro Armando, Silvio Ranise
    ASASP: Automated Symbolic Analysis of Security Policies
    In: 23rd International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE 2011) (DOI)
  • Alessandro Armando, Silvio Ranise
    Automated Analysis of Infinite State Workflows with Access Control Policies
    In: 7th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM 2011) (DOI)
  • Alessandro Armando, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise
    Automated analysis of semantic-aware access control policies: a logic-based approach
    In: 2011 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2011) (DOI)
  • Alessandro Carioni, Silvio Ghilardi, Silvio Ranise
    Automated Termination in Model Checking Modulo Theories
    In: 5th International Workshop on Reachability Problems (RP 2011) (DOI)
  • Christopher Lynch, Silvio Ranise, Christophe Ringeissen, Duc-Khahn Tran
    Automatic Decidability and Combinability
    In: Information and Computation, Volume 209, Issue 7, July 2011, Pages 1026-1047 (DOI)
  • Francesco Alberti, Alessandro Armando, Silvio Ranise
    Efficient Symbolic Automated Analysis of Administrative Attribute-based RBAC-Policies
    In: 6th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS '11) (DOI)
  • Roberto Bruttomesso, Silvio Ghilardi, Silvio Ranise
    Rewriting-based Quantifier-free Interpolation for a Theory of Arrays
    In: 22nd International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA'11) (DOI)
  • Michele Barletta, Alberto Calvi, Silvio Ranise, Luca Viganò, Luca Zanetti
    Workflow and Access Control Reloaded: a Declarative Specification Framework for the Automated Analysis of Web Services
    In: Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience (SCPES) (DOI)

2010 (7)

  • Clark Barrett, Leonardo de Moura, Silvio Ranise, Aaron Stump, Cesare Tinelli
    Automated Symbolic Analysis of ARBAC Policies
    In: 6th International Haifa Verification Conference (HVC 2010) (DOI)
  • Alessandro Armando, Silvio Ranise
    Automated Symbolic Analysis of ARBAC Policies
    In: 6th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM 2010) (DOI)
  • Alberto Calvi, Silvio Ranise, Luca Viganò
    Automated Validation of Security-sensitive Web Services specified in BPEL and RBAC
    In: 12th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC 2010) (DOI)
  • Silvio Ghilardi, Silvio Ranise
    Backward Reachability of Array-based Systems by SMT solving: Termination and Invariant Synthesis
    In: Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS) (DOI)
  • Francesco Alberti, Silvio Ghilardi, Elena Pagani, Silvio Ranise, Gian Paolo Rossi
    Brief Announcement: Automated Support for the Design and Validation of Fault Tolerant Parameterized Systems - A Case Study
    In: 24th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2010) (DOI)
  • Silvio Ghilardi, Silvio Ranise
    MCMT: A Model Checker Modulo Theories
    In: Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2010) (IJCAR 2010) (DOI)
  • Michele Barletta, Alberto Calvi, Silvio Ranise, Luca Viganò, Luca Zanetti
    WSSMT: Towards the Automated Analysis of Security-Sensitive Services and Applications
    In: 12th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC 2010) (DOI)