Digital Identity Management is a key enabler for the adoption of innovative digital and physical services. It creates identity ecosystem across organization/company boundaries and injects trust (added value for citizens and public and private sectors).
Our focus:
- Formal specification and analysis of IdM protocols covering the entire digital identity lifecycle (enrollment, authentication and authorization)
- Design and risk assessment of access delegation and single sign-on protocols (e.g., OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect), multi-factor authentication (e.g., eID cards and FIDO) and remote enrollment procedures
- Automated synthesis of enforcement mechanisms from high-level access control policies
- Pentesting of IdM protocols
- Cryptographic access control
- Security protocols (e.g., TLS)
- Innovative scenarios: e-voting, dematerialization of documents, wallet
Related Publications
Riccardo Ziglio, Cecilia Pasquini, Silvio Ranise
Spotting tell-tale visual artifacts in face swapping videos: strengths and pitfalls of CNN detectors
In: 13th International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF 2025) (news) -
Zahra Ebadi Ansaroudi, Giada Sciarretta, Andrea De Maria, Silvio Ranise
Navigating secure storage requirements for EUDI Wallets: a review paper
In: EURASIP Journal on Information Security (JINS) (DOI, news) -
Cecilia Pasquini, Marco Pernpruner, Giada Sciarretta, Silvio Ranise
Towards a Fine-Grained Threat Model for Video-Based Remote Identity Proofing
In: Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Communications in Computer and Information Science, volume 2134 (DOI, news) -
Amir Sharif, Zahra Ebadi Ansaroudi, Giada Sciarretta, Daniela Pöhn, Majid Mollaeefar, Wolfgang Hommel, Silvio Ranise
Protecting Digital Identity Wallet: A Threat Model in the Age of eIDAS 2.0
In: 19th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS 2024) (news) -
Andrea Bisegna, Matteo Bitussi, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise
Enhancing Security Testing for Identity Management Implementations: Introducing Micro-Id-Gym Language and Micro-Id-Gym Testing Tool
In: IEEE Security & Privacy (DOI, news) -
Marco Pernpruner, Cecilia Pasquini, Giada Sciarretta, Silvio Ranise
Beyond Screens: Investigating Identity Proofing for the Metaverse Through Cross-Device Flows
In: 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Metaverse Technologies & Applications (iMETA2024) (DOI, news) -
Andrea Bisegna, Matteo Bitussi, Roberto Carbone, Luca Compagna, Silvio Ranise, Avinash Sudhodanan
CSRFing the SSO Waves: Security Testing of SSO-Based Account Linking Process
In: 9th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EUROS&P 2024) (DOI, complementary material) -
Marco Pernpruner, Roberto Carbone, Giada Sciarretta, Silvio Ranise
An Automated Multi-Layered Methodology to Assist the Secure and Risk-Aware Design of Multi-Factor Authentication Protocols
In: IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), Volume 21, Issue 4, July/August 2024, Pages 1935-1950 (DOI, complementary material, news) -
Luca Verderame, Luca Caviglione, Roberto Carbone, Alessio Merlo
SecCo: Automated Services to Secure Containers in the DevOps Paradigm
In: 2023 International Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems (RACS 2023) (DOI) -
Amir Sharif, Francesco Antonio Marino, Giada Sciarretta, Giuseppe De Marco, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise
Cross-Domain Sharing of User Claims: A Design Proposal for OpenID Connect Attribute Authorities
In: 18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2023) (DOI, news) -
Stefano Berlato, Roberto Carbone, Umberto Morelli, Silvio Ranise
End-to-End Protection of IoT Communications Through Cryptographic Enforcement of Access Control Policies
In: Proceedings of the 36th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec 2022) (DOI, complementary material) -
Amir Sharif, Matteo Ranzi, Roberto Carbone, Giada Sciarretta, Francesco Antonio Marino, Silvio Ranise
The eIDAS Regulation: A Survey of Technological Trends for European Electronic Identity Schemes
In: MDPI Journal of Applied Science (APPLSCI) (DOI, complementary material, news) -
Amir Sharif, Matteo Ranzi, Roberto Carbone, Giada Sciarretta, Silvio Ranise
SoK: A Survey on Technological Trends for (pre)Notified eIDAS Electronic Identity Schemes
In: 17th International Workshop on Frontiers in Availability, Reliability and Security (FARES2022) (DOI, complementary material, news)
Awards: Best paper award -
Stefano Berlato, Marco Centenaro, Silvio Ranise
Smart Card-Based Identity Management Protocols for V2V and V2I Communications in CCAM: a Systematic Literature Review
In: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS) (DOI, news) -
Stefano Berlato, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise
Cryptographic Enforcement of Access Control Policies in the Cloud: Implementation and Experimental Assessment
In: 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2021) (complementary material, news) -
Andrea Bisegna, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise
Integrating a Pentesting Tool for IdM Protocols in a Continuous Delivery Pipeline
In: 4th International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Authorization and Authentication (ETAA2021) (DOI) -
Amir Sharif, Roberto Carbone, Giada Sciarretta, Silvio Ranise
Best Current Practices for OAuth/OIDC Native Apps: A Study of their Adoption in Popular Providers and Top-Ranked Android Clients
In: Journal of Information Security and Applications (JISA) (DOI, news) -
Marco Pernpruner, Giada Sciarretta, Silvio Ranise
A Framework for Security and Risk Analysis of Enrollment Procedures: Application to Fully-Remote Solutions Based on eDocuments
In: 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2021) (DOI, complementary material) -
Salimeh Dashti, Amir Sharif, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise
Automated Risk Assessment and What-if Analysis of OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 Deployments
In: Proceedings of the 35th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec 2021) (news) -
Stefano Berlato, Roberto Carbone, Adam J. Lee, Silvio Ranise
Formal Modelling and Automated Trade-Off Analysis of Enforcement Architectures for Cryptographic Access Control in the Cloud
In: ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS) (complementary material) -
Stefano Berlato, Roberto Carbone, Adam J. Lee, Silvio Ranise
Exploring Architectures for Cryptographic Access Control Enforcement in the Cloud for Fun and Optimization
In: 15th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2020) (DOI, complementary material, news) -
Andrea Bisegna, Roberto Carbone, Giulio Pellizzari, Silvio Ranise
Micro-Id-Gym: a Flexible Tool for Pentesting Identity Management Protocols in the Wild and in the Laboratory
In: 3rd International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Authorization and Authentication (ETAA2020) (DOI) -
Sergio Manuel Nóbrega Gonçalves, Alessandro Tomasi, Andrea Bisegna, Giulio Pellizzari, Silvio Ranise
Verifiable Contracting: A Use Case for Onboarding and Contract Offering in Financial Services with eIDAS and Verifiable Credentials
In: 25th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (DETIPS2020) (DOI) -
Amir Sharif, Roberto Carbone, Giada Sciarretta, Silvio Ranise
Automated and Secure Integration of the OpenID Connect iGov Profile in Mobile Native Applications
In: 3rd International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Authorization and Authentication (ETAA2020) (DOI, complementary material) -
Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise, Giada Sciarretta, Luca Viganò
Formal Analysis of Mobile Multi-Factor Authentication with Single Sign-On Login
In: ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS) (DOI, complementary material, news) -
Marco Pernpruner, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise, Giada Sciarretta
The Good, the Bad and the (Not So) Ugly of Out-Of-Band Authentication with eID Cards and Push Notifications: Design, Formal and Risk Analysis
In: Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2020) (DOI, complementary material, news) -
Umberto Morelli, Silvio Ranise, Damiano Sartori, Giada Sciarretta, Alessandro Tomasi
Audit-Based Access Control with a Distributed Ledger: Applications to Healthcare Organizations
In: 15th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM 2019) (DOI, news) -
Silvio Ranise, Giada Sciarretta, Alessandro Tomasi
Enroll, and authentication will follow: eID-based enrollment for a customized, secure, and frictionless authentication experience
In: 12th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security (FPS 2019) (DOI, news) -
Andrea Bisegna, Roberto Carbone, Ivan Martini, Valentina Odorizzi, Giulio Pellizzari, Silvio Ranise
Micro-Id-Gym: Identity Management Workouts with Container-Based Microservices
In: International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime (IJISP), Volume 8, Issue 1 (DOI) -
Amir Sharif, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise, Giada Sciarretta
A Wizard-Based Approach for Secure Code Generation of Single Sign-On and Access Delegation Solutions for Mobile Native Apps
In: 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2019) (DOI, complementary material, news) -
Giada Sciarretta, Roberto Carbone, Silvio Ranise, Luca Viganò
Design, Formal Specification and Analysis of Multi-Factor Authentication Solutions with a Single Sign-On Experience
In: Principles of Security and Trust (POST 2018) (DOI, news)
Related Theses
Marco Pernpruner (PhD Thesis, University of Genoa, 2024)
Integrating Security by Design and Automated Security Analysis for Digital Identity Management (link)
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisor: Giada Sciarretta -
Matteo Bitussi (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2022)
Declarative Specification of Pentesting Strategies for Browser-based Security Protocols: the Case Studies of SAML and OAuth/OIDC
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Andrea Bisegna, Roberto Carbone -
Nicola Casagrande (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2022)
Dematerialized Documents: The Italian Driving License Use Case
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Giada Sciarretta, Tahir Ahmad -
Alessandro Colombo (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2022)
Attribute Based Encryption for Advanced Data Protection in IoT with MQTT
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Stefano Berlato, Roberto Carbone -
Rupert Gobber (Master's Thesis, University of Trento, 2022)
Design and implementation of a verifiable credentials service for a data marketplace
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Giada Sciarretta, Alessandro Tomasi -
Martina Vecellio Reane (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2022)
Automated Security and Risk Analysis of Remote Identity Proofing Procedures
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Marco Pernpruner, Giada Sciarretta -
Wendy Barreto (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2021)
Design and implementation of an attack pattern language for the automated pentesting of OAuth/OIDC deployments
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Andrea Bisegna, Roberto Carbone -
Francesco Defilippo (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2021)
Attack Patterns for Pentesting SAML 2.0 Web Browser Single Sign-On deployments
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Andrea Bisegna, Roberto Carbone -
Veronica Cristiano (Master's Thesis, University of Trento, 2021)
Key Management for Cryptographic Enforcement of Access Control Policies in the Cloud: The CryptoAC use case
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Roberto Carbone, Stefano Berlato -
Giuseppe Lamorgese (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2021)
Autenticazione password-less con FIDO2: Descrizione del flusso e considerazioni sulla sicurezza
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisor: Giada Sciarretta -
Amir Sharif (PhD Thesis, University of Genoa, 2021)
Analysis of Best Current Practices to Assist Native App Developers with Secure OAuth/OIDC Implementations (link)
Supervisor: Roberto Carbone | Co-supervisors: Silvio Ranise, Giada Sciarretta -
Giuseppe Lamorgese (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2021)
Autenticazione password-less con FIDO2: Descrizione del flusso e considerazioni sulla sicurezza
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisor: Giada Sciarretta -
Leonardo Xompero (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2021)
A Survey of Risk-Based Authentication: How features and security actions can be used to mitigate attackers
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Giada Sciarretta, Marco Pernpruner -
Giacomo Zanolli (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2021)
FIDO2 Passwordless Authentication: From the basics to an implementation in the context of an authorization system
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Giada Sciarretta, Marco Pernpruner -
Adrien Beaugendre (Master's Thesis, University of Rennes 1 and University of Trento, 2021)
A Flexible Risk Analysis on MuFASA Tool
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Giada Sciarretta, Marco Pernpruner -
Matteo Leonelli (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2021)
Open and Cross-platform Ecosystem for Enterprise Services: Secure and Authenticated Access with the use of Italian Identity Cards and FIDO
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisor: Umberto Morelli -
Lorenzo Bellesso (Postgraduate Thesis, University of Genoa, 2021)
Implementazione di una soluzione di generazione e rilascio credenziali in ambito IoT fondata sull'uso della Carta d'Identità Elettronica (CIE)
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisor: Umberto Morelli -
Stefano Facchini (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2020)
Design and implementation of an automated tool for checking SAML SSO vulnerabilities and SPID compliance
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Andrea Bisegna, Roberto Carbone -
Giulio Pellizzari (Master's Thesis, University of Trento, 2020)
Micro-Id-Gym: A Tool to Support Sandboxing and Automated Pentesting of Identity Management Protocols
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Andrea Bisegna, Roberto Carbone -
Claudio Grisenti (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2020)
A pentesting tool for OAuth and OIDC deployments
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Andrea Bisegna, Roberto Carbone -
Alessio Valenza (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2020)
Autenticazione bancaria post-PSD2: siamo al sicuro? Analisi automatica del rischio di protocolli di autenticazione
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Giada Sciarretta, Marco Pernpruner -
Lorenzo Tait (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2019)
A Customized Threat Modeling for Secure Deployment And Pentesting of SAML SSO Solutions
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Andrea Bisegna, Roberto Carbone -
Stefano Berlato (Master's Thesis, University of Trento, 2019)
A Pragmatic Approach to Handle "Honest But Curious" Cloud Service Providers: Cryptographic Enforcement of Dynamic Access Control Policies
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisor: Roberto Carbone
Awards: 3rd place at thesis award "Innovare la sicurezza delle informazioni 2020", sponsored by CLUSIT -
Marta Toniolli (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2019)
Developing an Android client for user enrollment with CIE 3.0 and distributed ledger interaction: An application to electronic health record access control
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisor: Alessandro Tomasi -
Luca Morgese (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2019)
Designing and Implementing a DLT Based Access Control Mechanism for Healthcare Data - A Proof of Concept
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisor: Alessandro Tomasi -
Davide Piva (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2019)
Assisting Developers in Securing OAuth 2.0 Deployment: Demystifying Threats and Protection Techniques for Bearer Credentials
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisor: Giada Sciarretta -
Marco Pernpruner (Master's Thesis, University of Verona, 2019)
A passwordless out-of-band authentication protocol based on eID cards and push notifications: Design and formal security analysis
Supervisor: Massimo Merro | Co-supervisors: Giada Sciarretta, Roberto Carbone -
Nadia Metoui (PhD Thesis, University of Trento, 2018)
Privacy-Aware Risk-Based Access Control Systems (link)
Supervisor: Alessandro Armando | Co-supervisor: Michele Bezzi -
Valentina Odorizzi (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2018)
Progettazione e sviluppo di uno strumento per l'analisi automatica di vulnerabilità "Missing XML Validation" in SAML SSO
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Andrea Bisegna, Roberto Carbone -
Ivan Martini (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2018)
An automated security testing framework for SAML SSO deployments
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Andrea Bisegna, Roberto Carbone -
Giulio Pellizzari (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2018)
Design and implementation of a tool to detect Login Cross-Site Request Forgery in SAML SSO: G Suite case study
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Andrea Bisegna, Roberto Carbone -
Giada Sciarretta (PhD Thesis, University of Trento, 2018)
A Methodology for the Design and Security Assessment of Mobile Identity Management: Applications to real-world scenarios (link)
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Alessandro Armando, Roberto Carbone -
Daniele Del Sale (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2018)
Procedure di autenticazione multi-fattore basate su push notification: Analisi dello stato dell'arte e specifica delle best-practice per un'implementazione sicura
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisor: Giada Sciarretta -
Damiano Sartori (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2018)
Attribute Based Access Control over a Hyperledger Fabric Network: An application for Electronic Health Records
Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisors: Umberto Morelli, Alessandro Tomasi -
Avinash Sudhodanan (PhD Thesis, University of Trento, 2017)
Black-Box Security Testing of Browser-Based Security Protocols (link)
Supervisor: Alessandro Armando | Co-supervisors: Roberto Carbone, Luca Compagna