Security & Trust


FINSEC Integrated Framework for Predictive and Collaborative Security of Financial Infrastructures



To develop, demonstrate, and bring to market an integrated, intelligent, collaborative, and predictive approach to the security of critical infrastructures in the financial sector.

Unit role

ST led the requirements elicitation and reference scenario definition phase. Subsequently, ST contributed mitigation suggestions to the shared Cyber Threat Intelligence database, developed and deployed to the FINSEC platform a vulnerability analyzer and mitigation tool as a service, and integrated the intelligence and service with the platform's Risk Assessment Engine.

Related Tools

Related Publications

  • Andrea Bisegna, Roberto Carbone, Mariano Ceccato, Salvatore Manfredi, Silvio Ranise, Giada Sciarretta, Alessandro Tomasi, Emanuele Viglianisi
    Automated Assistance to the Security Assessment of API for Financial Services in book Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence for Critical Infrastructures Security: A Guide to Integrated Cyber-Physical Protection of Modern Critical Infrastructures
    In: Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence for Critical Infrastructures Security: A Guide to Integrated Cyber-Physical Protection of Modern Critical Infrastructures (DOI)
  • Salvatore Manfredi, Silvio Ranise, Giada Sciarretta, Alessandro Tomasi
    TLSAssistant goes FINSEC: A Security Platform Integration Extending Threat Intelligence Language
    In: 1st International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Security for Critical Infrastructures Protection (CPS4CIP 2020)

Involved People

Alessandro Tomasi

Alessandro Tomasi

Salvatore Manfredi

Salvatore Manfredi

Silvio Ranise

Silvio Ranise