Security & Trust

Majid Mollaeefar

Majid Mollaeefar Researcher

Majid Mollaeefar is a researcher at the Center for Cybersecurity.

He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Genova, Italy. His expertise spans risk management, data protection, and an in-depth understanding of compliance regulations.

Currently, he works on a European project called JuLIA with aim of raising the awareness of Judges in using AI applications in their judicial use cases.

His research interests include Security and Privacy Risk Assessment, Threat Modelling, Security and Privacy Requirements, Privacy Preserving, Privacy Impact Assessment, and GDPR Compliance.



  • Majid Mollaeefar, Silvio Ranise
    Identifying and Quantifying Trade-offs in Multi-Stakeholder Risk Evaluation with Applications to the Data Protection Impact Assessment of the GDPR
    In: Computers & Security Journal (COSE) (DOI, news)


  • Majid Mollaeefar, Alberto Siena, Silvio Ranise
    Multi-Stakeholder Cybersecurity Risk Assessment for Data Protection
    In: 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2020) (DOI)


  • Majid Mollaeefar (PhD Thesis, University of Genoa, 2022)
    Automating the Quantification and Mitigation of Risks for Multiple Stakeholders (link)
    Supervisor: Silvio Ranise



Supervised Theses


  • Mattia Bressan (Bachelor's Thesis, University of Trento, 2024)
    Towards Risk Assessment of Adversarial Machine Learning
    Supervisor: Silvio Ranise | Co-supervisor: Majid Mollaeefar